Sunday, September 28, 2008


This past saturday I had the opportunity to attend a worship arts seminar at my college, Missouri Baptist University. This conference featured guest speakers Dan Kimball, a major leader in the emerging church movement, and Matt Maher, a world renown Contemporary Christian artist/songwriter.

What they had to say about worship was great and all, but what they said still has not changed my view on worship.
Worship is about us giving all that we have to God.

One thing that Matt Maher talked about that was interesting to me was that worship or prayer needs to be about input as well as output. When we worship God, we give God everything we have and praise His name, and when we pray we talk to God, but very seldom do we just take the time to listen.
The more I think about that, the more it makes sense. In my prayer life, personally, I talk.....haha....I actually very rarely take the time to just shut my mouth and listen.

When Matt Maher was talking about this I was reminded of Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God".

I have come to realize that I can never get away from the noise of life. There's a lot of crazy stuff going on with college, the world, and it's just really hard to get away from it. But I am starting to realize the need to get alone and be still and rest in the knowledge that God is a big God and He has me in His hand.

So yes, worship/prayer is output to God, but we cannot forget that it is also input from God. Input from God is essential to our growth in our faith in Him.

So take time today to get alone and just read God's Word and be still.....instead of talking profusely. Share your heart with God, but take the time to listen.

God Bless,
*Liz Hitt*

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Stress Turned Into Comfort

Since school started back up here at MoBap, I have noticed that more and more people that I've come to know, develop a lot of stress or receive a lot of stress in the first few weeks of classes. We get stressed out about homework that needs to get done and how well we're doing in a class, and blah blah.....the list goes on.

Stress is a nasty tool that satan uses to mess with our heads and hearts. We cannot let stress in our lives overwhelm us and get the best of us. We must look to God and let Him take our stress and turn it into comfort. He is our comforter and counselor and we should take advantage of His counsel. God knows what He is doing; we on the other hand do not.

I have found that the world's solution to getting through stressful times is waaay different than God's way. The world says to stop and take a breath and believe that you can get through whatever it is you're going through. I'm sorry, but the world's solution is crap. I mean sure I agree with the "stop and take a breath" part, but we can't really believe in ourselves because we are sinful and fallible. God is NOT sinful and He is infallible. Therefore it makes sense to look to only Him for help in times of stress.

The Bible even says "The Lord is a refuge of strength for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble" (Psalm 9:9-10)

So today be assured that when you go through times of stress, God is always there to take your stress and turn it into comfort. God's got your back :-)

Have a blessed week,

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Feeling Of Conviction

Don't you hate the feeling of conviction? I know I do, but the more I think about it the more I realize that conviction is good. Being convicted by God about something helps me, personally, grow and mature in my faith.

Lately God has revealed to me that I desperately need an attitude change. I keep praying and asking for change but I haven't felt it yet. I know that God will change my heart and attitude, but I just need to be patient and wait on God to work in my life. I have learned not to pray for patience, because I never know what God will put me through to test my Instead I keep asking Him for what I need in my life and right now my need is change. I want to experience so much change that other people start to see it.

One of the goals that I have set for myself this year is to touch someone's heart for God. I don't care how I do that; I just care that I do it.

One thing that I ask of you (the reader) is to just pray that God changes my heart and attitude. I am not asking out of selfishness, I just desperately need a new start to this year. A new mindset.

One thing that I forgot to put down on my blog, is that if you need prayer for anything, don't hesitate to get in contact with me.
Building community is important and I want to be here for you and encourage you.

Thanks so much for reading.
God Bless,