Tuesday, February 19, 2008

SpiritWing....a "performance group? or a Music/Ministry group??

I've been thinking about this for awhile and I decided to share this with all of you.

Ok, alot of people think that SpiritWing is a performance group and they are, but they're more of a music/ministry group. SpiritWing is only considered a performance group because they give music scholarships and people who receive scholarships have to maintain that scholarship.....just like music majors have to.
Really, SpiritWing is much more than a "performance" group. There's more to it than just getting up on stage and "performing". We have to set up equipment, tear down equipment, and lead people in worship wherever we go. In fact, I don't see SpiritWing as a "performance" group at all. We lead people in worship!
To me, worship is setting up the chairs before a church service.....in SpiritWing's case, setting up equipment before the worship service.
Anyway, I just wanted to share with you my opinion on people who call SpiritWing a "performance" group instead of a music/ministry group. You've gotta realize that there's more to SpiritWing than meets the eye.
Well that's all for today.....
Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Testimony

I just thought that I would share my testimony with you all. I honestly don't know why I didn't do this before, but here'goes.

I have been fortunate enough to be raised in a Christian home. My parents have taught me about God ever since I was able to talk.

Before I accepted Christ as my Saviour, I was an angry child. I always let my temper get the better of (which most red-heads tend to do) and I took out my anger on my older brother, Greg, Which was not cool at all. I never paid attention to the sermons that my pastor preached because I thought coloring was more important.

Then when Greg got saved, I saw a change in him. He was happier than ever and I grew curious as to how he got to be so happy. So one Sunday night, I motivated myself to put away my crayons and actually listen to what the pastor was talking about. Thank goodness I did. After church that night, I started asking my Dad a whole bunch of questions, all of which he answered, and shortly thereafter he led me to the Lord on his lap. I was 5 1/2 years old when I accepted Christ.

Ever since then, my life has been changed for the better. That doesn't mean my life has been perfect, but I grew to know that in whatever situation that I face, God is going to be there.

For example, this past summer my brother, Greg, and I were involved in a serious car accident on Highway 40/61. We live near that dangerous intersection that you used to hear about on the news. Anyway, we were at the stop sign getting ready to go southbound on 61 and the only car on the highway had it's turn signal on, so we assumed that they were going to get into the turn lane to go on Highway U, but were dead wrong. We started to pull out and this other car T-boned our car. The impact was so great that our car spun around in a complete circle once and the entire left side of our car was smashed in. The paramedics said that Greg should have been either seriously injured or dead,but he walked away with only a few scratches on his arm and I got all the bruises. God was really watching over us that day.

My family and friends may have seen that accident as just an accident, but to me it was a wake-up call. At that point and time, I hardly ever focused on God. I was so caught up in making money and living the good life, that I kind of blew God off. I did things my way and God got my attention. Needless to say, I won't need to get into another car accident for Him to get my attention.

God is so good and even though we go through tough times, we need to trust that God will provide. It is hard to trust that, but nevertheless we need to get off of ourselves and surrender to God's will because He knows what's best.
I am discovering that I can't handle things in my life on my own. God needs to mend things in His own timing and I just need to trust that.
Thanks for reading this.
I hope that you have a good day,
2 Timothy 2:13, "If we are faithless, He(God) remains faithful. He cannot deny Himself."

Here are some pics from the accident.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008



I hope that you all are touched by this song as I was when I first heard it. I was actually just looking up some videos off of YouTube and this came up and I honestly think that it's no coincidence that I came upon this song. It's really great to know that God blesses us every day, but the sad thing is that people don't realize that they're blessed because they don't focus on God and what He has given us. I'm guilty of that too and I was in a Small Group Bible study last night at my school, MBU and we were talking about James chapter 3. Later on in the conversation we were asked "What can we do to carry our cross daily?" and alot of the girls answered "just focus on Christ" and that's exactly right, so.....yeah I just thought of this song when I was posting so....I hope you enjoy :)

Monday, February 11, 2008


Hey all,
I just want to share with all of you who read my blog that I appreciate you and even though I may not know you (or if I know you really well) I Love You! Life is too short for anger and hate. Plus God has called us to love Him and one another. I don't know why I wanted to share that w/ you, but I did :)
That's one thing that I just absolutely love about God. He loves us more than anything. God loved us so much that He sent His Son down to this world to die for you and for me. When Jesus was on the cross He saw you, your mother, you second cousin twice removed, etc, etc. My point is that whenever you feel like no one cares about you in this world, there IS SOMEONE who does! I can't stress enough how much God loves everyone.
I will say that the best feeling in the whole world is being held by God. When He wraps His arms around me I feel safe. I feel as though nothing in this world can hurt me. The only place where I feel loved and secure would be in God's arms. There's a song that says "this world has nothing for me" and that is so true because what this world has to offer is not good enough or great enough to match what God has to offer. His ways are so much better than our ways. I hope that I'm not boring you with how I feel, but I just felt like I should talk about this in my blog and I hope that you can tell me what you think. I would love to hear what you have to say, whether it be in person, facebook, or e-mail. :)
Well I hope that you have a wonderful week and once again......
I *heart* you all :)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Get over it

Recently I have discovered that I cannot run my own life. No matter how hard I try, I always fall flat on my face in failure because I am human and human beings are imperfect. Only God can run our lives. He always knows what's best for us. He's planned out our lives and it's our job to figure out what He wants from us. So I'm going to stop trying to run my own life and let God take control. I surrender! You should surrender as well, because I'm telling you now, it's not worth it trying to run your own life. God is going to keep on pursuing you until you get sick of it and you give up, so just give up your life to Him now. It's life-changing, in a good way.

God had His only Son, Jesus, pay the ultimate price for our sins. Jesus Christ was beaten, humiliated, spit upon, and mocked for you and me. He died on a cross so that you and I could live. What else can you do but live for Jesus???