Friday, August 22, 2008

A Sign From God Perhaps??

So it was really rainy yesterday and it was nearing time for SpiritWing rehearsal.
For some reason my attitude that day was not right at all. I felt really bitter and annoyed and I just didn't feel like rehearsing at all.

So, back to the rainy day. As I said, it was a rainy day and I was wearing flip flops (stupid move) and naturally they got wet. And when I walked into the Fine Arts Building at my school, I wiped my feet on the carpet thinking they were dry. Boy was I wrong.

Once my right foot hit the slippery floor my knee twisted and my knee cap dislocated and popped back into place.
Now you would think that I would've screamed in pain, but surprisingly I didn't. I just sat there and rubbed my knee. Then I got up into a near-by chair and continued to rub it. Then Evan came in and asked what happened and then like a gentleman, he got some ice for me. Then Kirstin gave me some ibuprofen. I love my friends very much. Not only because of what they do for me, but because their hearts are good and awesome for the Lord.

My whole point in telling you this is because I felt like God knew that I shouldn't have been at SpiritWing practice. He knew that my heart wasn't right and He knew that my attitude wasn't right either.

So I encourage you to keep your heart right with the Lord and keep your attitude right as well. Or He may dislocate your knee! Just kidding.
But He really does have His ways of getting our attention on a certain matter and sometimes it really hurts.
So keep in mind that your attitude can be seen by others and it can affect others as well. So keep your heart and attitude in check at all times.
God Bless,

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Small group....Big movement

So I got another opportunity to lead worship for a you type event only this time it was kinda different.
I led worship for a small group at Concord Baptist Church and their youth group has, what they call, a "Choices" Night. Which means that they have two events to choose to go to and on that wednesday night that I was there, the choices were to go to a concert type thing or to go to a small group Bible study type thing.
I led worship for the small group and it was such a blessing to be able to do that. It was very different from what I thought what I was going to be doing but God showed up and He really touched my heart and the hearts of those who were there.
Well those are my thoughts for the day.
Thanks for reading,
And God Bless,

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hear My Worship

There's a song that really touched my heart ever since I heard it. It's called "Hear My Worship" by Jaime Jamgochian.
This song brought me to tears when I sang it by myself. Any song that makes me cry is one that will be apart of me forever. (I have alot of songs like that = ])
Just take a listen and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Hear My Worship - Jaime Jamgochian

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Why my URL is the way it is

Ok so when I made this blog I never posted something that explained my url "lizsunveiledface", so I'm going to take the time to explain why I chose that particular name.
There's a verse in the Bible that says, "As all of us reflect the glory of the Lord with unveiled faces, we are becoming more like him with ever-increasing glory by the Lord's Spirit." 2 Corinthians 3:18
The first time I heard that verse was when SpiritWing 2007 was starting up and Brad read that verse to us and I remember thinking how awesome that sounded. So I thought that would be a cool name for my blog and the title for my blog would be "The Real Liz"; which it was for awhile and then I thought of a new title "Sweet Reflections".

2 Corinthians 3:18 reminds me of how worship is. When we come before God in worship, we can't hold anything back. We can't hide anything from Him because He sees everything and He knows everything. So when we worship God in whatever we do, we have "Unveiled Faces".
Trying to "veil" our faces is pointless; so my encouragement to you is to stop trying to hide things from God.
He already knows your pain, failures, mistakes, etc....
Just yield to God and He will show you amazing things = ]

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Beauty Overflowing

This past weekend God gave me a tremendous opportunity to help lead worship for a girl's retreat at FBC Ellisville and to be quite was one of the most powerful weekends I have experienced in my entire life.
The theme or name for the girl's weekend was "Beauty Overflowing" and the main verse for the weekend was Proverbs 4:23, "Guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life."

The speaker, Kayla Meyer, was very genuine whenever she spoke. She talked about many things such as guarding your heart, being in community with one another, having a mentor, being honest, etc... I could tell that she was very passionate about what she was saying and I definitely felt God tug at my heart every time she spoke.
Learning about inner beauty has opened my mind to new perspectives on how to be truly beautiful. It's kind of like you see this gorgeous girl and you think she's perfect in every way, but then you actually see her "true colors" and then all of a sudden she isn't so beautiful anymore. Instead of judging that person we are called to love which is why we should pray for God to touch those people in such a way that they can't do anything else but yield to God.
I know for a fact that without God I cannot be truly beautiful.

Another thing that really touched my heart the most about the weekend was the times of worship.
I was blessed to sing along side Emily Slates and even though we were leading those girls in worship I think that we were broken for God as well as the girls.
I know that I was...but the exciting thing about being broken by God is that He fixes us again. He picks us up from where we are and brings us up to Himself.
On the last night of the weekend God's presence was felt and tears were shed (the good kind).
Seeing the girls pray with each other and encourage each other in love was completely amazing to see and experience.
I am so glad that God gave me the opportunity to be at "Beauty Overflowing".
Even though He shows me something new every day; I experienced change at that retreat that I'll never forget.

Whoever is reading this......YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! and I love you!
God Bless,