Sunday, October 25, 2009


For those of you who know me fairly well, you know how much I care about people and how they are doing and what God is doing in their lives and how He is working through them.

Here's my view on friendships.....You can never have too many friends. There are some people who choose to just have a few close friends because to them, having a big group of friends takes a lot of work and effort. They're right when they say that, but it's also reassuring to have such a big group of friends to hold you accountable and to be there for you when you need encouragement.

My philosophy on new friendships is to "let everyone in". Give people a chance. They may surprise you.

I actually made quite a few friends this year. One in particular has been a real blessing in my life. Her name is Ashley Reese and she is a very interesting person, but she's a real encouragement to me. She gives me Godly advice, and she doesn't point me to any other source of hope and comfort apart from God.

I have made many friends this year like Ashley and if I lived with the philosophy of "only having a few good friends" then I would not have all of the friendships that I have now.

Some new friends that I've made this year so far are: Katie Brown, Amanda Ely, Lorenzo Baylor, Travis Page, Zach Walter, Andrew Shupert, Taylor Webb, Kahlyn Slominsky, Ashley McRoy, Megan Caratachea, Taylor Duggan, Rachel Rittman, Lauren Maniaci, Melanie Slates, Ashley Reese, Megan Long,Jen Trapper, Elysha McAdoo.....

God has blessed me with many friends and I wouldn't trade them for the world.
God's Word even says that "a friend sticks closer than a brother" (Proverbs 18:24).

My encouragement to you is to not shut more friends out. Let them in. Give them a chance. You may be surprised at how God will bless you through those new friendships :)

-Liz Hitt

1 comment:

Lauren Maniaci said...

Aw, thanks! I love you!