So it just hit me today that this is the last week of classes before finals week and....I am drowning in assignments that still are not done, songs that are not ready, and thoughts of having to take certain classes over again.
I'm not looking for a pity party at all; I'm just venting. It's always better to get things off your chest in some way.
As of right now I feel like a complete idiot when it comes to the technical side of music. Part writing, line analysis, harmonic dictation, rhythmic dictation, melodic dictation, among other things are getting harder and harder for me to grasp and understand....IT'S THE LAST WEEK OF CLASSES!! It's basically too late for me to get up to speed on things and knowing that I may have to re-take Music Theory 2 and Sight Singing/Ear Training 2 is not a pleasant thought to have on my mind.
I love music and I love learning new things about's one of my passions, but for some reason it's just hard to grasp certain concepts at a fast pace. I honestly thought it would be easier than it is. I even cried in class because I failed the ear training part of my sight singing/ear training test.
I guess what I don't understand is that if God placed music on my heart, why am I doing so badly? Why can't I understand it as easily as others?
I'm at the point where I am so frustrated with music that I'm starting to question my passion. Is music really what God wants? What is He doing?
Not being on board with what God is doing is not what I want. I want to be able to know what He's doing right now and be confident. I don't want to doubt myself. I want to throw all of this technical crap out of the window and just sing. All I've wanted to do in my life is sing for God and share His love to the world through my music.
I am just at a loss as to what to do. I know that I need to seek God and converse with Him about what He is doing, but for some reason it doesn't seem like that is enough. I just want His will for my life to slap me in the face and direct me in the right way.
I want to be confident in the passion that He has set upon my heart.
I can't let these little technical things get in the way of the big picture. I just honestly don't want to cry every time I go to Sight Singing/Ear Training....I want to actually be excited to learn something new and to apply it to my music. I really want to succeed and I can't do that without God. He is my success and I need to be more confident in Him.
Ok I'm done venting....promise :)
"And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." -Ephesians 5:2-
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Random Facts About Me

For some reason I just felt the need to post some things that you may not know about me. These probably aren't really great for "coffee conversations", but I thought this would be fun.
If you do know some of things congratulations; if not, enjoy :)
1) I accepted Jesus Christ when I was 5 years old.
2) I have two brothers. One younger and one older.
3) I have a grade one heart murmur
4) I don't really like being alone most of the time.
5) I love to sing
6) I have never had a boyfriend
7) I have encountered some idiotic men (long story)
8) My favorite meal is my Mom's home-made deep dish pizza
9) My favorite time of the year is fall
10) I like both cats and dogs
11) I'm usually pretty calm and mellow
12) Sometimes I'm too nice
13) I now own a pair of Toms Shoes :)
14) I sometimes don't like "Jesus music" (I know that sounds horrible, but it's true)
15) I officially started songwriting when I was a sophomore in highschool.
16) I took piano lessons when I was 6 but I quit after like 2 months because I didn't want to practice. So I began to doodle on the piano my freshman year of college and that is the level that I am at now. I only like to doodle :)
17) I hate the feeling of not being able to breathe.
18) I hate the feeling of being replaced.
19) My hair is naturally the color that it is.
20) I want a tattoo on my wrist reeeeeeally bad.
21) I've only owned 3 guitars in my 9 years of playing guitar.
22) I attempted to end my "pain" in life when I was 14 (very dumb...don't ever do it!)
23) I hate offending people.
24) I like listening to people's stories.
25) I have been held by God before and it was AWESOME!
26) I like to let people into my life and give them a chance, instead of shun them out.
27) I would seriously be freaked out if I woke up to no family.
28) I have a "sister"...aka seester
29) My favorite verse is 2 Timothy 2:13, "If we are faithless, He remains faithful. He cannot deny Himself."
30) My favorite color is Lime Green
31) Favorite female singer is Mariah Carey
32) Favorite male singer is Danny Gokey
33) I'm still single and I don't mind waiting for the man God has for me, although it gets frustrating sometimes.
34) I love to walk in the rain during the summertime. It's refreshing.
35) I've been homeschooled all of my life and people keep asking me what school I went to when I was younger. Every time I answer them they're like "No way! You were homeschooled?" I don't really know how to take that sometimes haha..
36) My lifesong is "None But Jesus" by Brooke Fraser
37) I am really selfish sometimes.....and I strongly dislike selfish people.
38) I want to spread God's love to the world someday with music.
39) Hopefully after I graduate from MBU, I will go to Liberty University to get my Masters Degree in Worship Arts and come back to MBU to help with the Worship Arts program there.
40) I want to go to Italy.
41) I have never tried sushi.
42) I'm not as strong as people make me out to be.
43) I LOVE Starbucks coffee
44) Shania Twain perfume is my favorite fragrance.
45) I love receiving letters :)
46) I tied for 1st place in the iSing Saint Louis Vocal Competition at Six Flags this past summer. JoyFM sponsored this competition and it was my 4th year entering it.
47) I've been in a music ministry group called, SpiritWing for 3 years and I love it :)
48) I opened for a group called NewFire, and they tour with FFH! That was a great experience.
49) I got high off of oxygen one time. Very funny story...haha
50) My butt is ticklish...
51) I am running out of things to put I'm stopping...
Hope you enjoyed this...if you have questions for me, I'd be more than happy to answer them on here.
Have a great day,
-Liz Hitt
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
My Family
I am glad to say that I have been blessed by the family that God has given me. Two wonderful parents who are strong in their faith in God and who raised me in a Christ-centered environment. Two brothers who are sometimes a pain in my neck, but at other times they bless with me unknown facts about certain subjects and with their talents.
Preston, my younger brother, is basically a piano prodigy. He's been playing piano for 6 years. 4 years have been under the instruction of my Mom and the other 2 years have been under the instruction of Dr.Benton from MBU. Sometimes I honestly want to slap him because of how much he knows about music. I'm still trying to keep up with the new
things that I learn about music.....and he already knows it.
Greg, my older brother, is a guitar master. He's been playing guitar for about 10 years and he can play circles around me. His knowledge of the guitar inspires me to learn more.
Both of my parents were Music Education majors in college, but my Dad switched his major in his Senior year to Business Administration. My guess is that he was not a fan of Sight Singing/Ear Training...haha, just kidding.
Being raised in a God-centered home and a musical family is a huge blessing to me because I have learned so much about life, music, singing, faith, and so much more.
Being apart of my parent's music ministry has taught me a lot and has helped me put mine together. Knowing what to do in certain venues and in certain situations is very important in having an effective music ministry.
With all of that said, I am truly thankful for the family that I have and I hope you feel the same way about your family.
Even if your family doesn't seem like the best, God has given you your family for a reason. They were placed in your life to raise you, inspire you, protect you, care for you, clothe you, feed you, love you, and for all sorts of reasons.
Cherish your family, even if it seems impossible.
-Liz Hitt
Preston, my younger brother, is basically a piano prodigy. He's been playing piano for 6 years. 4 years have been under the instruction of my Mom and the other 2 years have been under the instruction of Dr.Benton from MBU. Sometimes I honestly want to slap him because of how much he knows about music. I'm still trying to keep up with the new
things that I learn about music.....and he already knows it.
Greg, my older brother, is a guitar master. He's been playing guitar for about 10 years and he can play circles around me. His knowledge of the guitar inspires me to learn more.
Both of my parents were Music Education majors in college, but my Dad switched his major in his Senior year to Business Administration. My guess is that he was not a fan of Sight Singing/Ear Training...haha, just kidding.
Being raised in a God-centered home and a musical family is a huge blessing to me because I have learned so much about life, music, singing, faith, and so much more.
Being apart of my parent's music ministry has taught me a lot and has helped me put mine together. Knowing what to do in certain venues and in certain situations is very important in having an effective music ministry.
With all of that said, I am truly thankful for the family that I have and I hope you feel the same way about your family.
Even if your family doesn't seem like the best, God has given you your family for a reason. They were placed in your life to raise you, inspire you, protect you, care for you, clothe you, feed you, love you, and for all sorts of reasons.
Cherish your family, even if it seems impossible.
-Liz Hitt
Thursday, November 5, 2009
God is my Healer
By: Mike Guglielmucci
You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
You heal all my disease
I trust in You
I trust in You
I believe You're my healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need
You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
You heal all my disease
I trust in You
I trust in You
Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible for You
You hold my world in Your hands
This is one of the songs that I lead in the music ministry group, SpiritWing, for this year and I have grown so attached to it that I just have to blog about it.
This song actually has a very dramatic background to it. Mike Guglielmucci originally wrote this song when he was apart of Hillsong and his story behind writing that song was that he was suffering from cancer and he wrote this song as proclamation of his faith that God is his Healer.
What is really sad about that story is that it wasn't true. He was not suffering from cancer. In fact he was suffering from an addiction to pornography and his body had unexplainable symptoms. He tried to cover up his sin with the story of him having cancer.
Eventually he came clean and announced that he was going through a rough patch in his life with his addiction. When he was honest with everyone about this issue everyone was really surprised and some even hated him for lying.
Because of this incident Hillsong forced Mike Guglielmucci to sign over the songrights for Healer to some other artist.
Guglielmucci may have really been at fault, but no one should have hated him for it. He took the first step to making things right and the church did not really treat him in the right way. The church is supposed to forgive and forget....we ALL are supposed to forgive and forget, but that's a whole different topic.
My point is that Mike Guglielmucci is a human and humans make mistakes. I know that I have made my fair share of mistakes,but what is so incredible about God's love is that it's perfect. When we fall into those traps of sin God picks us up and lifts us to where He is. His love is offered to us freely and it is ours for the taking.
It is our jobs as Christians to spread the love of God.....not hate other people because of what they've done.
There's a passage in Hosea that talks about God's healing power and it really hit home for me.
Hosea 6:1-2, "1 Come, let us return to the LORD. He has torn us to pieces, but he will heal us; he has injured us, but he will bind up our wounds. 2 After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence.
3 Let us acknowledge the LORD; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth."
The part that really got to me was when it says "He has torn us into pieces, but He will heal us..." Even though He lets certain circumstances happen to us and we hurt, He still heals us and restores us to Himself. Nothing bad comes from God, but He does discipline His children and sometimes when we get disciplined, it hurts.....a lot, but God restores us and consoles us in His arms of grace and love.
I most certainly believe that God is my Healer and I don't need anything else than Him. I do, however, need to trust in that promise more than I have been.
Keep in mind that when you're hurting, God will lift you up and make things better. He knows what is best for you and your life.
My prayer when ever I hurt is that, yes, He heals me from the pain, but that He leaves the scars behind to remind me of how merciful and gracious He is.
Rest in that promise and rest in God.
By: Mike Guglielmucci
You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
You heal all my disease
I trust in You
I trust in You
I believe You're my healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need
You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
You heal all my disease
I trust in You
I trust in You
Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible for You
You hold my world in Your hands
This is one of the songs that I lead in the music ministry group, SpiritWing, for this year and I have grown so attached to it that I just have to blog about it.
This song actually has a very dramatic background to it. Mike Guglielmucci originally wrote this song when he was apart of Hillsong and his story behind writing that song was that he was suffering from cancer and he wrote this song as proclamation of his faith that God is his Healer.
What is really sad about that story is that it wasn't true. He was not suffering from cancer. In fact he was suffering from an addiction to pornography and his body had unexplainable symptoms. He tried to cover up his sin with the story of him having cancer.
Eventually he came clean and announced that he was going through a rough patch in his life with his addiction. When he was honest with everyone about this issue everyone was really surprised and some even hated him for lying.
Because of this incident Hillsong forced Mike Guglielmucci to sign over the songrights for Healer to some other artist.
Guglielmucci may have really been at fault, but no one should have hated him for it. He took the first step to making things right and the church did not really treat him in the right way. The church is supposed to forgive and forget....we ALL are supposed to forgive and forget, but that's a whole different topic.
My point is that Mike Guglielmucci is a human and humans make mistakes. I know that I have made my fair share of mistakes,but what is so incredible about God's love is that it's perfect. When we fall into those traps of sin God picks us up and lifts us to where He is. His love is offered to us freely and it is ours for the taking.
It is our jobs as Christians to spread the love of God.....not hate other people because of what they've done.
There's a passage in Hosea that talks about God's healing power and it really hit home for me.
Hosea 6:1-2, "1 Come, let us return to the LORD. He has torn us to pieces, but he will heal us; he has injured us, but he will bind up our wounds. 2 After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence.
3 Let us acknowledge the LORD; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth."
The part that really got to me was when it says "He has torn us into pieces, but He will heal us..." Even though He lets certain circumstances happen to us and we hurt, He still heals us and restores us to Himself. Nothing bad comes from God, but He does discipline His children and sometimes when we get disciplined, it hurts.....a lot, but God restores us and consoles us in His arms of grace and love.
I most certainly believe that God is my Healer and I don't need anything else than Him. I do, however, need to trust in that promise more than I have been.
Keep in mind that when you're hurting, God will lift you up and make things better. He knows what is best for you and your life.
My prayer when ever I hurt is that, yes, He heals me from the pain, but that He leaves the scars behind to remind me of how merciful and gracious He is.
Rest in that promise and rest in God.
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