What was really unique about this particular concert was that it was my first one where my songs were performed and as a matter of fact.....the first one on my own at a different church. I mean I've done concerts before but somehow this felt really different to me.
I've never felt so unprepared in my life and I'm thinking that my friend Chelsea felt the same way :) Both of our schedules were crazy busy and it was nearly impossible to meet up and practice, but we made the impossible possible. We met up as often as we could and we hashed things out the best that we could.
When we got to the church to do sound check, my guitar worked just fine and everything sounded great, but when the time came to start the concert my guitar would not work through the sound system. So I actually HAD to go acoustic :) I also completely messed up on one of my songs....I made up the 2nd verse because I totally blanked on how it was supposed to go. Satan must have really wanted to disrupt mt worship that night, but what's great is that it DIDN'T! I kept going and I let God know how much I loved Him through the words that I've written and through the words that Chelsea wrote.
Even though we felt really unprepared, somehow everything still kind of fell into place and God used us and He moved in a way that I never thought possible.
My point in saying all of this is that no matter how many distractions you may have in life, you should still worship God will all that you have. If you keep letting Satan and his distractions get in the way of you living out your life for God then you're going to miss the big picture. Satan thrives on seeing you mess up and fail. That is why no matter what happens you must sing to God louder,play your instrument louder, and live your life out louder. Don't let distractions mislead you from what God is doing.
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