Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sweet Revelation

I'm sure some of you are anxious to know about my "big decision" that I've made. Well I felt that God has not moved me on to another music/ministry team so I am staying in SpiritWing for next year.
God kinda put me in my place over spring break through my Mom. I was willing to go into another group for the wrong reasons and that is not right. I was wanting to leave a difficult situation instead of meeting it head on and trying to work things out. That is a huge character flaw....I don't care who you are. I can't run away from difficult situations every time that they come up.
If God moves you then you move; if He doesn't then you stay where you're supposed to be. It's as simple as that.
I'm sure that being in a different ministry team as a student director would have been a great experience, but God has not moved me in that direction and I'm pretty sure that if I would have moved on to that group I would have ended up miserable because I didn't follow what God wanted.
I still have a lot more to learn before I can take on a leadership position of any kind and God knew that.
God is good and I am so thankful that He made things clear to me.

Anyway, that's what is new in my life : )
Have a great day and remember to put God first!
-Liz Hitt

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