Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Have Been Made NEW

Wow! I have not blogged in a long time.....sorry about that.
Well I think I have something to blog about that I think is really exciting so...here'goes.

Every morning I just wake up, go potty, get ready for the day, check facebook, check e-mail, go to g-ma's for lunch, check facebook, lay around the house, watch tv, lay around more, watch more tv, then go to bed and repeat that routine the next day.

Something is missing here........

You guessed it.....I don't put God in anywhere. Even in the times that I'm just lying around the house! How lame is that.

Somehow today has been different and I think that every day from now on will be different.

Last night I had a serious conversation with God. Like I layed it all down. I confessed to Him how wretched I am, how I have grown to not care about what He thinks, how I abuse His grace by sinning then asking for forgiveness later ("cause I know He'll forgive me"), how I want change, how I want to be changed, I don't want to be lost anymore, I want to be found, I want to be different, I want to feel different, I want people to see that difference.....I want people to NOT see "Liz Hitt".....

I think that God really stirred up my heart in that conversation with Him. I came to realize that even though I accepted His gift of salvation when I was 5, I have been a lukewarm Christian.
After realizing that fact, today was completely turned around for me. I didn't stick to my daily summer routine. I opened up God's Word to Romans chapter 6 and read it in its entirety.

God showed me through Romans 6 that I am dead to sin and alive in Christ. I cannot abuse God's grace and expect to have a healthy relationship with Him.

When I confessed my wretched behavior to God, I felt like He was listening to every word and He has truly changed my heart and my outlook on life.

Another thing that was kind of great about that conversation with God last night was that my mind didn't drift off into random thoughts like it usually does. I stayed focused on what I was giving up to Him and because of that focus I found rest in knowing that I will be with Him one day in His kingdom; praising Him forever.

That's all I really have for right now. I'm sure God will pour more onto my heart as life progresses.

I am His and He is mine.